It is inevitable that the ‘Time’ will be passed whether it is bad, worst or whatsoever.
As a father of two small kids, I feel so humiliate while I come across some posts on LinkedIn, Medium or other web platforms where people share that they have lost thier jobs and become unemployed and seek for new jobs. Sometimes, it is also painful to witness some of them hold masters and other valuable degree with distinction and vast experience. Nowadays this type of posts are frequently appeared on the social media due to Covid- 19 Pandemic.
Animals are not apprehensive about their livelihood.They do not have dream, they do not have prospects, and they don’t know who is focusing on them (I mean here social pressure), as they don’t possess intellectual brains as we human do. They have feelings? Are they emotional? They feel good for their body weight ?These questions cannot be asked to them because they are not supposed to talk to us and they are not accountable to talk to us as well. They do everything by their instinct. They live their life full-fledgedly without any distress of diseases, any health concerns and any livelihood security.
I hope you are able to figure out the reason why I have written the second paragraph, which talks about animals. Life is not so easy. Life is also not so complicated. It is our own perspective how we look upon our life. Nobody wishes if- “(S) he was an animal”. Because we are best among all creatures. We human beings are aptly capable of dealing with situations and circumstances of life whether they are bad or worst. However, at some point in life, the ‘Time’ does not work in our favour and we go through hardships.
I am not a right person to advise what to do for somebody who is unemployed. However, we can do something for the person who is victim of the pandemic and became unemployed. We must keep touch with them and make sure we reply to their calls , messages. We should call them, we are beside them at the tough time of their life. We should ask about their health. We must do in all possible way to let them know they are not alone and somebody is always there for them. We have to do our bit for them.
Remember. “It is inevitable that the ‘Time’ will be passed whether it is bad, worst or whatsoever.”
Thank you so very for reading!