Maa,(Mother) is My Mentor of Past ,Present and Future.
Maa or Mother is one of the strongest and lovable words in all dictionaries written in any language since inception of the Universe. Mother is the only one who gives you birth twice where as we celebrate the second birth day. She is the only one who has all rights reserved to smile first after delivering her baby whose first cry is better than any worldly gift, whose first cry makes her complete and whose first cry is melodious than any music of the world. She forgets all the hardship, intolerable pain which she comes across just before giving birth of her baby.
We human beings are hungry for love. Love without conditions is hardly found in any relations except the love between a mother and her child. Even in animal world where marriage is not an institution, there also mother takes responsibility to feed, provide shelter, safety and security for its child. And the Nature who deserves all the credit to give us foods, shelter and other necessities is called Mother.
A mother is the universal giver who is the dearest teacher, influential leader, and best mentor. While crafting this post names of some mentors appeared in my mind but these names are not worthier than my mother. My mother is my Mentor who deserves unbiased credit for my success as her son and as a human being.
I am her married son based outside of native country India and she has stupendous impact upon my student and professional life. As her son I have learned and blessed with so many principles from my mother. So read on following principles or guidelines which I have learned from my Mother who is my Mentor:
Never Misplace or Misuse Other’s Belongings
In my childhood it was difficult to figure out this cherished advice of my mother. I requested her to clarify it, she said to me-” if someone gives to you 5 rupees and comes back after 2 years and asks for his money then you have to return him exactly 5 rupees, not a single penny less”. In our professional life we possess numerous valuables stuffs and confidential information. It ought to be one’s moral responsibility to preserve and take utmost care of these belongings. Office resources, confidential info should not be misused because it brings bad name for one’s organization and ultimately customer gets affected. And this lesson was taught long back by my mentor my mother when I was a school going kid.
Never Forced Me to Study
Modern mothers(including my wife)are so curious to make their children doctors and engineers; subsequently they put pressure on their children to spend most of the time with books. We siblings were exposed to value of the education since our childhood and sometimes my mother used to give us emotional dose: my father was the only bread winner and bearing all expenditures alone so if we would lose one year then he would feel bad. We brothers and sisters were taught to excel within limited resources. I thoroughly understood my mother’s intention, she just internalized in our brain that the only key of success is nothing but education. I studied reasonably well without any insistence during whole of my student life. Mentors never insist, they highlight the value of the purpose of accomplishing certain things to motivate their disciples and students.
Always Asks to Follow Your Heart to Take Difficult or Tough Decision
My mother always says heart overlaps our brain. If you under dilemma , got stuck in complex circumstance and not able to take decision, then you just need to listen to your heart and go for it. But brain plays significant role to be tricky in one’s profession, a true mentor never believes in trickiness, s/he makes others to take decision from heart
Punishment is Complementary With Love
Once it was heavy raining and I came back from school and went to play football even if my mother asked me not to play in rain. After few hours I came back wet and my whole body was muddy and smelly. She broadened her eyes and I saw fire in them. She took me to bathroom and beat me with small stick at the same time she washed me like a dirty plate. After sometime I took diner and went to bed. In the morning I woke up and noticed my whole body was oily. I came to know from my father that my mother gave me a massage while I was sleeping with Laisun tel (A homemade warm massage gel contains mustard oil and garlic). A mentor never punishes to take revenge, eventually punishment becomes a message of love and his/her students or disciples or follower think twice to repeat such mistakes.
Help Your Enemy if S/He Comes for Your Help
My mother always says hatred, grudge and rancor get compounded if we store them in our heart and mind. Forgiveness makes us wise. Forgive those who hurt you once and extend your both hands generously in their hardship. It needs extraordinary courage. A mentor never believes in enmity.
Keep Back the Household Stuff in Its Original Position
My mother is still a master of house choirs. All we brother and sisters were taught to keep the house stuff in its original place so that our home looks clean and systematized .The instruction is now taught to trainee in Housekeeping Methodology Course called 5 S’s. This 5 S’s housekeeping methodology is implemented in both big and small industries even in corporate offices. As a Safety and Quality professional this lesson is well associated with my profession and quality and safety of work place rely upon its cleanliness.
Don’t Feel Shame to See Your Own Face on Mirror
We have a soul which is guided by our principle, our habit and our deeds. Guilty feeling is the evidence to go against our soul. A person without principles commits some nasty mistakes, sin, or crime either secretly or publicly. When s/he stands in front of the mirror, feels shame and not able to keep eye contact with one’s own eyes. My mother said to all we brothers and sisters “ just be bold control over your desire and expectation, don’t involve in bad deed so that you feel shame to see your own face on mirror”. It works as supernatural force on my persona till date and prevents me to get involved in nasty stuffs and my mentor mother gives gentle reminder now and again to see my face honestly on mirror.
If metaphorically I assume myself as a Machine which is 34 odd years old the above guidelines are like SOP’s ( Standard Operating Procedures) which have been created by my Maa (mother) a greatest Mentor of my past , present and future
Thank you for reading this article which is dedicated to all the mothers of the world. If your mother also resembles as a mentor then mention it in below comment section.